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Darya Sews Some Stuff

My own businesses that I started after finding a joy in seamstressing.

Due to the world falling part, most people are finding joy in escaping to another world/universe. A popular escape method is a hobby called Live Action Role Play (or LARP for short). As part of this subculture, I found myself incredibly inspired by the fantasy outfi ts I found around me, and wanted to start creating my own. However, knowing nothing about the discipline, I did the only reasonable thing I could: dive head first into it. 

I learned everything I know by trial and error, but the garments I was making caught the attention of a lot of players, who started asking me to take on commissions. My business is aimed mostly at the LARP community, but I have also designed and made costumes for theatre as well as day to day clothes. My business has spread by word of mouth and people appreciating my work in person. I have become profi cient at working with all kinds of material, including upholstery materials to create items like furnishings and curtains. I hope to continue creating garments as a hobby and to develop my skills further in the future, but for now, I am very happy with this staying as just a hobby rather than a full time career.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you want to know more about a project or would just like to chat about design or fantasy.